



楼主: 灵峰


 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#0000ff size=4><EM>*38.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十八首<BR><BR>第一次他亲我,他只是亲了一下<BR>First time he kissed me, he but only kissed <BR>在写这诗篇的手,从此我的手就越来<BR>The fingers of this hand wherewith I write;<BR>越白净晶莹,不善作世俗的招呼,<BR>And ever since, it grew more clean and white, ...<BR>而敏于呼召:“啊,快听哪,快听<BR>Slow to the world-greetings, quick with its `Oh, list,\'<BR>天使在说话哪!”即使在那儿戴上一个<BR>When the angels speak. A ring of amethyst<BR>紫玉瑛戒指,也不会比那第一个吻<BR>I could not wear here, plainer to my sight,<BR>在我的眼里显现得更清楚。<BR>Than that first kiss. The second passed in height<BR>第二个吻,就往高处升,它找到了<BR>The first, and sought the forehead, and half missed,<BR>前额,可是偏斜了一些,一半儿<BR>Half falling on the hair. O beyond meed!<BR>印在发丝上。这无比的酬偿啊,<BR>That was the chrism of love, which love\'s own crown<BR>是爱神擦的圣油!--先于爱神的<BR>With sanctifying sweetness, did precede. <BR>华美的皇冠。那第三个,那么美妙,<BR>The third upon my lips was folded down<BR>正好按在我嘴唇上,从此我就<BR>In perfect, purple state; since when, indeed, <BR>自傲,敢于呼唤:“爱,我的爱!”</EM></FONT><BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#800080 size=4>*39.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十九首<BR> <BR> 为着你的魄力和盛德--你那样<BR> Because thou hast the power and own\'st the grace <BR> 犀利地望着我,通过我那给泪雨<BR> To look through and behind this mask of me,<BR> 冲洗得成了灰白的面具、照彻了<BR> ( Against which, years have beat thus blanchingly<BR> 我灵魂的真实面目(灰暗疲乏的<BR> With their rains, ) and behold my soul\'s true face, <BR> 人生的证明!)也为着你只知道忠诚,<BR> The dim and weary witness of life\'s race! --<BR> 只知道爱,只是朝我看,通过我那<BR> Because thou hast the faith and love to see,<BR> 麻木的灵魂,看到了那忍耐的天使<BR> Through that same soul\'s distracting lethargy, <BR> 一心期待着天堂里的位置;又为着<BR> The patient angel waiting for a place<BR> 无论是罪恶、是哀怨、甚至上帝的谴责,<BR> In the new heavens! -- Because nor sin nor woe,<BR> 死神的逼近的威胁--不管这一切,<BR> Nor God\'s infliction, nor death\'s neighbourhood,<BR> 叫人们一看就掉首而去,叫自己<BR> Nor all which others viewing, turn to go, ...<BR> 想着都厌恶。。。却没什么能吓退你;<BR> Nor all which makes me tired of all, self-viewed, ...<BR> 亲爱的,那你教我吧,教我怎么样<BR> Nothing repels thee, ... Dearest, teach me so<BR> 把感激尽量倾吐,正象你把恩惠布施。<BR> To pour out gratitude, as thou dost, good. <BR></FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:10 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#ee82ee size=4>*40.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第四十首<BR><BR>是啊,咱们这世道,谈情说爱,多的是!<BR>Oh, yes! They love through all this world of ours!<BR>我不想问:真有爱这回事吗?有就有吧--<BR>I will not gainsay love, called love forsooth.<BR>从小,我就听惯了人们嘴里的“爱”,<BR>I have heard love talked in my early youth, <BR>直到才不久--那会儿采来的鲜花<BR>And since, not so long back but that the flowers<BR>香味还没散呢。不管是回教徒、“外教徒”,<BR>Then gathered, smell still. Mussulmans and Giaours<BR>笑一笑,手绢儿就摔过来;可是一哭,<BR>Throw kerchiefs at a smile, and have no ruth<BR>谁也不理了。“独眼龙”的白牙齿咬不紧<BR>For any weeping. Polypheme\'s white tooth<BR>硬果子,假使淋过了几阵骤雨,<BR>Slips ib the nut if, after frequent showers, <BR>果壳变得滑溜溜--从没想把这称做<BR>The shell is over-smooth, -- and not so much<BR>“爱”的东西,也跟他们的“恨”、以至<BR>Will turn the thing called love, aside to hate<BR>跟“淡漠”并列。可是你,亲爱的,你不是<BR>Or else to oblivion. But thou art not such <BR><BR>那样的情人!你从那哀怨和疾病里<BR>A lover, my Beloved! Thou canst wait<BR>伺候了过来,教心灵终于接通了心灵,<BR>Through sorrow and sickness, to bring souls to touch<BR>人家会嫌“太晚”了,而你想还没想到。<BR>And think it soon when others cry `Too late.\'</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:10 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#006400 size=4>*41.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第四十一首<BR><BR>我满怀着感激和爱,向凡是在心里<BR>I thank all who have loved me in their hearts, <BR>爱过我的人们道谢。深深的感谢啊,<BR>With thanks and love from mine. Deep thanks to all<BR>好心的人们,打牢墙外经过,驻足<BR>Who paused a little near the prison-wall<BR>听取我三两声稍微响亮些的音乐,<BR>To hear my music in its louder parts<BR>这才继续赶路,奔赴市场或是圣殿、<BR>Ere they went onward, each one to the mart\'s <BR>各自的前程,再无从召唤。可是你,<BR>Or temple\'s occupation, beyond call. <BR>当我的歌声低落了、接不上了,代之以<BR>But thou, who, in my voice\'s sink and fall<BR>哭泣,你却叫神的最尊贵的乐器<BR>When the sob took it, thy divinest Art\'s<BR>掉在脚下,倾听我那夹杂在泪珠里的<BR>Own instrument didst drop down at thy foot<BR>怨声。。。啊,指点我,该怎么报答<BR>To harken what I said between my tears, ...<BR>你的恩情吧!怎么能把这一片<BR>Instruct me how to thank thee! -- Oh, to shoot<BR>回旋荡漾的情意奉献给未来的<BR>My soul\'s full meaning into future years, <BR>岁月,由它来给我表白,向耐久的<BR>That _they_ should lend it utterance, and salute<BR>爱情致敬,凭着那短暂的人生!<BR>Love that endures, from Life that disappears!<BR></FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:11 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#808080 size=4>*42.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第四十二首<BR><BR>“未来啊,任你怎样临摹,也描不成<BR>`_My future will not copy fair my past_\' --<BR>我过去的样本了,”我曾这么写过,<BR>I wrote that once; and think at my side<BR>以为守护在我身畔的天使会同意<BR>My ministerig life-angel justified<BR>这话,把仰天呼吁的眼光瞥向那<BR>The word by his appealing look upcast<BR>高踞玉座的上帝。待我回过头来,<BR>To the white throne of God, I turned at last,<BR>看见的却是你,还有你我的天使<BR>And there, instead , saw thee, not unallied<BR>结伴在一起!一向为哀怨、病痛<BR>To angels in thy soul! Then I, long tried<BR>所折磨的我,就把幸福抱得那么紧。<BR>By natural ills, received the comfort fast,<BR>一见了你,我那朝拜的手杖<BR>While budding, at thy sight, my pilgrim\'s staff<BR>抽了芽、发出了绿叶,承受着<BR>Gave out green leaves with morning dews impearled. <BR>清晨的露珠。如今,我再不追寻<BR>I seek no copy now of life\'s first half:<BR>我生命中前半的样本,让那些反复<BR>Leave here the pages with long musing curled,<BR>吟叹、卷了角的书页放过在一边,<BR>And write me new my future\'s epigraph,<BR>我给我重写出新的一章生命!<BR>New angel mine, unhoped for in the world!</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><BR><FONT color=#000080 size=4>*43.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第四十三首<BR><BR>我是怎样地爱你?让我逐一细算。<BR>How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.<BR>我爱你尽我的心灵所能及到的<BR>I love thee to the depth and breadth and height<BR>深邃、宽广、和高度--正象我探求<BR>My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight<BR>玄冥中上帝的存在和深厚的神恩。<BR>For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.<BR>我爱你的程度,就象日光和烛焰下<BR>I love thee to the level of everyday\'s<BR>那每天不用说得的需要。我不加思虑地<BR>Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.<BR>爱你,就象男子们为正义而斗争;<BR>I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;<BR>我纯洁地爱你,象他们在赞美前低头。<BR>I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.<BR>我爱你以我童年的信仰;我爱你<BR>I love thee with the passion put to use<BR>以满怀热情,就象往日满腔的辛酸;<BR>In my old griefs, and with my childhood\'s faith<BR>我爱你,抵得上那似乎随着消失的圣者<BR>I love thee with a love I seemed to lose<BR>而消逝的爱慕。我爱你以我终生的<BR>With my lost saints, -- I love thee with the breath,<BR>呼吸,微笑和泪珠--假使是上帝的<BR>Smiles, tears, and all my life -- and, if God choose,<BR>意旨,那么,我死了我还要更加爱你!<BR>I shall but love thee better after death.</FONT><BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><BR><FONT size=4>*44.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第四十四首<BR><BR>亲爱的,你从一整个夏天到冬天,<BR>Beloved, thou hast brought me many flowers<BR>从园子里采集了那么多的花<BR>Plucked in the garden, all the summer through<BR>送给我;而这幽闭的小室里,它们<BR>And winter, and it seemed as if they grew<BR>继续生长,仿佛并不缺少阳光和<BR>In this close room, nor missed the sun and showers. <BR>雨水的滋养。那么同样地凭着<BR>So, in the like name of that love of ours, <BR>这爱的名义--那爱是属于我俩的,<BR>Take back these thoughts which here unfold too, <BR>也请收下了我的回敬;那在热天,<BR>And which on warm and cold days I withdrew<BR>在冷天,发自我心田的情思的花朵。<BR>From my heart\'s ground. Indeed, those beds and bowers <BR>不错,在我那园圃里确是长满着<BR>Be overgrown with bitter weeds and rue,<BR>野草和苦艾,有待于你来耘除;Instruct thine eyes to keep their colours true, <BR>向你自己说,它们的根都埋在我的深心。<BR>And tell thy soul, their roots are left in mine. <BR>And wait thy weeding; yet here\'s eglantine, <BR>可这儿也有白玫瑰,也有常春藤!<BR>Here\'s ivy! -- take them, as I used to do<BR>请收下吧,就象我惯常接受你的花。<BR>Thy flowers, and keep them where they shall not pine. <BR>好生地护养着,别让它褪落了颜色,</FONT><BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-1-12 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-1-12 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:21 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
欣慧这个转贴的点击量。    :)
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