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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#800080 size=4>*20.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十首<BR><BR>亲爱的,我亲爱的,我想到从前--<BR>Beloved, my Beloved, when I think <BR>一年之前,当时你正在人海中间,<BR>That thou wast in the world a year ago,<BR>我却在这一片雪地中独坐,<BR>What time I sat alone here in the snow<BR>望不见你迈步留下的踪迹,<BR>And saw no footprint, heard the silence sink<BR>也听不见你的謦咳冲破了这死寂;<BR>No moment at thy voice, ... but, link by link,<BR>我只是一环又一环计数着我周身<BR>Went counting all my chains as if that so<BR>沉沉的铁链,怎么也想不到还有你--<BR>They never could fall off at any blow<BR>仿佛谁也别想把那锁链打开。<BR>Struck by thy possible hand .. why, thus I drink <BR>啊,我喝了一大杯美酒:人生的奇妙!<BR>Of life\'s great cup of wonder! Wonderful,<BR>奇怪啊,我从没感觉到白天和黑夜<BR>Never to feel thee thrill the day or night<BR>都有你的行动、声音在空中震荡,<BR>With personal act or speech, -- nor even cull<BR>也不曾从你看着成长的白花里,<BR>Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white<BR>探知了你的消息--就象无神论者<BR>Thou sawest growing! Atheists are dull,<BR>那样鄙陋,猜不透神在神的化外!<BR>Who cannot guess God\'s presence out of sight.</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#0000ff size=4>*21.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十一首<BR>EBB ``Sonnets From the Portuguese\'\' No. XXI<BR><BR>请说了一遍,再向我说一遍,<BR>Say over again, and yet once over again,<BR> 说“我爱你!”即使那样一遍遍重复,<BR>That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated<BR> 你会把它看成一支“布谷鸟的歌曲”;<BR>Should seem `a cuckoo-song,\' as thou dost treat it. <BR>可是记着,在那青山和绿林间,<BR>Remember, never to the hill or plain,<BR>那山谷和田野中,纵使清新的春天<BR>Valley and wood, without her cuckoo-strain<BR> 披着全身绿装降临、也不算完美无缺,<BR>Comes the fresh Spring in all her green completed. <BR> 要是她缺少了那串布谷鸟的音节。<BR>Beloved, I, amid the darkness greeted<BR>爱,四周那么黑暗,耳边只听见<BR>By a doubtful spirit-voice, in that doubt\'s pain<BR>惊悸的心声,处于那痛苦的不安中,<BR>Cry, ... `Speak once more ... thou lovest!\' Who can fear<BR> 我嚷道:“再说一遍:我爱你!”谁嫌<BR>Too many stars, though each in heaven shall roll, --<BR>太多的星,即使每颗都在太空转动;<BR>Too many flowers, though each shall crown the year? <BR> 太多的花,即使每朵洋溢着春意?<BR>Say thou dost love me, love me, love me -- toll<BR>说你爱我,你爱我,一声声敲着银钟!<BR>The silver iterance! -- only minding, Dear,<BR> 只是记住,还得用灵魂爱我,在默默里。<BR>To love me also in silence with thy soul.</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#008000 size=4>*22.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十二首<BR>  EBB \"Sonnets from the Portuguese\", No. XXII<BR><BR>当我俩的灵魂壮丽地挺立起来,<BR>When our two souls stan up erect and strong, <BR>默默地,面对着面,越来越靠拢,<BR>Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher, <BR>那伸张的翅膀在各自弯圆的顶端,<BR>Util the lengthening wings break into fire<BR>迸出了火星。世上还有什么苦恼,<BR>At each curved point, -- what bitter wrong<BR>落到我们头上,而叫我们不甘心<BR>Can the earth do to us, that we should not long<BR>在这里长留?你说哪。再往上,就有<BR>Be here contented? Think. In mounting higher,<BR>天使抵在头上,为我们那一片<BR>The angels would press on us and aspire<BR>深沉、亲密的静默落下成串<BR>To drop some golden orb of perfect song<BR>金黄和谐的歌曲。亲爱的,让我俩<BR>Into our deep, dear silence. Let us stay<BR>就相守在地上吧--人世的争吵、熙攮<BR>Rather on earth, Beloved, -- where the unfit<BR>都向后退隐,留给纯洁的灵魂<BR>Contrarious moods of men recoil away<BR>一方隔绝,容许在这里面立足,<BR>And isolate pure spirits, and permit<BR>在这里爱,爱上一天,尽管昏黑的<BR>A place to stand and love in for a day,<BR>死亡,不停地在它的四围打转。<BR>With darkness and the death-hour rounding it.</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#ff1493 size=4>*23.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十三首<BR><BR>真是这样吗?如果我死了,你可会<BR>  Is it indeed so? If I lay here dead, <BR>失落一些生趣、由于失去了我?<BR>  Wouldst thou miss any life in losing mine?<BR>阳光照着你,你会觉得它带一丝寒意,<BR>  And would the sun for thee more coldly shine<BR>为着潮湿的黄土已盖没了我的脸?<BR>  Because of grave-damps falling round my head? <BR>真没想到啊!我体味到你这份情意<BR>  I marvelled, my Beloved, when I read<BR>在信中。爱,我是你的,可就这样<BR>  Thy thought so in the letter. I am thine --<BR>给珍重?我能用我那双发抖的手<BR>  But ... _so_ much to thee? Can I pour thy wine<BR>为你斟酒?好吧,那我就抛开了<BR>  While my hands tremble? Then my soul, instead<BR>死的梦幻,重新捧起来那生命。<BR>  Of dreams of death, resumes life\'s lower range. <BR>爱我吧,看着我,用暖气呵我吧!<BR>  Then, love me, Love! look on me ... breathe on me!<BR>多少闺秀,为着爱不惜牺牲了<BR>  As brighter ladies do not count it strange,<BR>财富和身份;我也要放弃那坟墓--<BR>  For love, to give up acres and degree, <BR>为了你;把我那迫近而可爱的天国的<BR>  I yield the grave for thy sake, and exchange<BR>景象、来跟载着你的土地交换!<BR>  My near sweet view of heaven, for earth with thee!</FONT><BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#ee82ee size=4>*24.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十四首<BR><BR>让世界象一把摺刀,把它的锋芒<BR>Let the world\'s sharpness like a clasping knife<BR>在自身内敛藏,埋进在爱情的<BR>Shut in upon itself and do no harm<BR>掌握内、温柔的中心,而不再为害。<BR>In this close hand of Love, now soft and warm, <BR>让嗒的一声,刀子合上之后,<BR>And let us hear no sound of human strife<BR>我们就此再听不见人世的争吵。<BR>After the click of the shutting. Life to life --<BR>亲爱的,我紧挨着你,生命贴恋着<BR>I lean upon thee, Dear, without alarm, <BR>生命,什么也不怕,我只觉得安全,<BR>And feel as safe as guarded by a charm<BR>象有了神符的保护,世人的刀枪<BR>Against the stab of worldlings, who if rife<BR>怎么稠密也不能伤害毫发。我们<BR>Are weak to injure. Very whitely still<BR>生命中的素莲,依然能开出纯洁<BR>The lilies of our lives may reassure<BR>雪白的花朵;那底下的根,只仰赖<BR>Their blossoms from their roots, accessible<BR>天降的甘露,从山头往上挺伸,<BR>Alone to heavenly dews that drop not fewer:<BR>高出世间的攀折。只有上帝,<BR>Growing straight, out of man\'s reach, on the hill. <BR>他赐我们富有,才能叫我们穷。<BR>God only, who made us rich, can make us poor.</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#0000ff size=4>*25.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十五首<BR><BR>亲爱的,年复一年,我怀着一颗<BR>A heavy heart, Beloved, have I borne<BR>沉重的心,直到我瞧见了你的面影。<BR>From year to year util I saw thy face, <BR>一个个忧伤已相继剥夺了我所有的<BR>And sorrow after sorrow took the place<BR>欢欣--象一串轻贴在胸前的珍珠,<BR>Of all those natural joys as lightly worn<BR>在跳舞的当儿,给一颗跳动的心儿<BR>As the stringed pearls, ... each lifted in its turn <BR>逐一地拨弄。希望随即转成了<BR>By a beating heart at dance time. Hopes apace<BR>漫长的失望,纵使上帝的厚恩,<BR>Were changed to long despairs, til God\'s own grace<BR>也没法从那凄凉的人世举起来<BR>Could scarcely lift above the world forlorn<BR>我这颗沉甸甸的心。可是你,<BR>My heavy heart. Then thou didst bid me bring<BR>你当真命令我捧着它,投到<BR>And let it drop adown thy calmly great<BR>你伟大深沉的跟前!它立即往下沉,<BR>Deep being! Fast it sinketh, as a thing<BR>就象堕落是它的本性;而你的心,<BR>Which its own nature does precipitate,<BR>立即紧跟着,贴在它上面,挡在<BR>While thine doth close above it, mediating <BR>那照临的星辰和未完功的命运间。<BR>Betwixt the stars and the unaccomplished fate.</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#006400 size=4>*26.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十六首<BR><BR>是幻想--并不是男友还是女伴,<BR>I lived with visons for my company<BR>多少年来,跟我生活在一起,做我的<BR>Instead of men and women, years ago, <BR>亲密的知友。它们为我而奏的音乐,<BR>And found them gentle mates, nor thought to know<BR>我不想听到还有比这更美的。<BR>A sweeter music than they played to me. <BR>可是幻想的轻飘的紫袍,免不了<BR>But soon their trailing purple was not free<BR>沾上人世的尘土,那琴声终于逐渐<BR>Of this world\'s dust, -- their lutes did silent grow, <BR>消歇,而我也在那些逐渐隐灭的<BR>And myself grew faint and blind blow<BR>眸子下头晕眼花。于是,亲爱的,<BR>Their vanishing eyes. Then THOU didst com ... to be, <BR>你来了--仿佛来接替它们。就象<BR>Boloved, wha they seemed. their shining fronts,<BR>河水盛入了洗礼盆、水就更圣洁,<BR>Their songs, their splendours, ( better, yet the same, <BR>它们的辉煌的前额、甜蜜的歌声,<BR>As river-water hallowed into fonts ) <BR>都聚集在你一身,通过你而征服了我,<BR>Met in thee, and from out thee overcame<BR>给予我最大的满足。上帝的礼物<BR>My soul with satisfaction of all wants -- <BR>叫人间最绚烂的梦幻失落了颜色。<BR>Because God\'s gifts put man\'s best dreams to shame.</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#800080 size=4>*27.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十七首<BR><BR>爱人,我亲爱的人,是你把我,<BR>My own Beloved, who hast lifted me<BR>一个跌倒在尘埃的人,扶起来,<BR>From this drear flat of earth where I was thrown, <BR>又在我披垂的鬓发间吹入了一股<BR>And, in betwixt the languid ringlets, blown <BR>生气,好让我的前额又亮光光地<BR>A life-breath, till the forehead hopefully<BR>闪耀着希望--有所有的天使当着<BR>Shines out again, as all the angels see, <BR>你救难的吻为证!亲爱的人呀,<BR>Before thy saving kiss! My own, my own, <BR>当你来到我跟前,人世已舍我远去,<BR>Who camest to me when the world was gone,<BR>而一心仰望上帝的我、却获得了你!<BR>And I who looked for only God, found thee!<BR>我发现了你,我安全了,强壮了,快乐了。<BR>I find thee; I am safe, and strong, and glad. <BR>象一个人站立在干洁的香草地上<BR>As one who stands in dewless aspodel, <BR>回顾他曾捱过来的苦恼的年月;<BR>Looks backward on the tedious time he had<BR>我抬起了胸脯,拿自己作证:<BR>In the upper life, -- so I, with bosom-swell, <BR>这里,在一善和那一恶之间,爱,<BR>Make witness, here, between the good and bad, <BR>象死一样强烈,带来了同样的解脱。<BR>That Love, as strong as death, retrieves as well.</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#ffa500 size=4>*28.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十八首<BR><BR>我的信!一堆堆死沉沉的纸,苍白又无声,<BR>My letters! all dead paper, ... mute and white!<BR>可是它们又象具有生命、颤动在<BR>And yet they seem alive and quivering<BR>我拿不稳的手内--是那发抖的手<BR>Against my tremulous hands while loose the string<BR>解开丝带,让它们今晚散满在<BR>And let them drop down on my knee to-night. <BR>我膝上。这封说:他多盼望有个机会,<BR>This said, ... he wished to have me in his sight<BR>能作为朋友,见一见我。这一封又订了<BR>Once, as a friend: this fixed a day in spring<BR>春天里一个日子,来见我,跟我<BR>To come and touch my hand ... a simple thing, <BR>握握手--平常的事,我可哭了!<BR>Yet I wept for it! -- this, ... the paper\'s light ...<BR>这封说(不多几个字):“亲,我爱你!”<BR>Said, _Dear I love thee_; and I sank and quailed <BR>而我却惶恐得象上帝的未来在轰击<BR>As if God\'s future thundered on my past. <BR>我的过去。这封说:“我属于你!”那墨迹,<BR>This said, _I am thine_ -- and so its ink has paled<BR>紧贴在我悸跳的心头,久了,褪了色。<BR>With lying at my heart that beat too fast. <BR>而这封。。。爱啊,你的言词有什么神妙,<BR>And this ... O Love, thy words have ill availed<BR>假如这里吐露的,我敢把它再说!<BR>If, what this said, I dared repeat at last!</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:02 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#008000 size=4>*29.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十九首<BR><BR>我想你!我的相思围抱住了你,<BR>I think of thee! -- my thoughts do twine and bud<BR>绕着你而抽芽,象蔓藤卷缠着树木、<BR>About thee, as wild vines, about a tree, <BR>遍发出肥大的叶瓣,除了那蔓延的<BR>Put out broad leaves, and soon there\'s nought to see<BR>青翠把树身掩藏,就什么都看不见。<BR>Except the straggling green which hides the wood. <BR>可是我的棕榈树呀,你该明白,<BR>Yet, O my palm-tree, be it understood<BR>我怎愿怀着我的思念而失去了<BR>I will not have my thoughts instead of thee<BR>更亲更宝贵的你!我宁可你显现<BR>Who art dearer, better! Rather, instantly<BR>你自己的存在;象一株坚强的树<BR>Renew thy presence. As a strong tree should,<BR>沙沙地摇撼枝杈,挣出了赤裸的<BR>Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare,<BR>躯干来,叫这些重重叠叠的绿叶<BR>And let these bands of greenery which insphere thee, <BR>都给摔下来狼藉满地。因为在<BR>Drop heavily down, ... burst, shattered, everywhere!<BR>看着你、听着你、在你荫影里呼吸着<BR>Because, in this deep joy to see and hear thee<BR>清新的空气,洋溢着深深的喜悦时,<BR>And breathe within thy shadow a new air, <BR>我再不想你--我是那么地贴紧你。<BR>I do not think of thee -- I am too near thee.</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT size=4>*30.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十首<BR><BR>今晚,我泪眼晶莹,恍惚瞧见了<BR>I see thine image through my tears to-night,<BR>你的形象;然而不是今朝,我还看到<BR>And yet to-day I saw thee smiling. How<BR>你在笑?爱人,这是为什么?是你,<BR>Refer the cause? -- Beloved, is it thou<BR>还是我--是谁叫我黯然愁苦?<BR>Or I, who makes me sad? The acolyte<BR>一个浸沉在欢颂和崇拜中的僧侣<BR>amid the chanted joy and thankful rite<BR>把苍白无知觉的额头投在祭坛下,<BR>May so fall flat, with pale insensate brow<BR>或许就这样俯伏。正象他耳内轰响着<BR>On the alter-stair. I hear thy voice and vow,<BR>“阿门”的歌声;我听得你亲口的盟誓,<BR>Perplexed, uncertain, since thou art out of sight, <BR>心里却一片怔忡不安,因为不见你<BR>As he, in his swooning ears, the choir\'s amen. <BR>在我的眼前。亲爱的,你当真爱我?<BR>Beloved, dost thou love? or did I see all<BR>我当真看见了那恍如梦境的荣光,<BR>The glory as I dreamed, and fainted when<BR>并且经不起那强烈的逼射而感到了<BR>Too vehement light dilated my ideal, <BR>眩晕?这光可会照临,就象那<BR>For my soul\'s eyes? Will that light come again, <BR>盈盈的泪,一颗颗滚下来,又热又真?<BR>As now these tears come ... falling hot and real? <BR></FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#808080 size=4>*31.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十一首<BR>EBB \"Sonnets from the Portuguese\", No. XXXI<BR><BR>你来了!还没开口,心意都表明了。<BR>Thou comest! all is said without a word.<BR>我坐在你的容光下,象沐浴在阳光中的<BR>I sit beneath thy looks, as children do<BR>婴孩,那闪烁的眸子无声地泄露了<BR>In the noon-sun, with souls that tremble through<BR>颤动在那颗小心里的无比的喜悦。<BR>Their happy eyelids from an unaverred<BR>看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!<BR>Yet prodigal inward joy. Behold, I erred<BR>可是我不能只埋怨自己,你想,<BR>In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue<BR>这是怎样的情景,怎样的时辰?<BR>The sin most, but the occasion ... that we two<BR>这一刻,我俩竞轻易地并站在一起。<BR>Should for a moment stand unministered<BR>啊,靠近我,让我挨着你吧;当我<BR>By a mutal presence. Ah, keep near and close,<BR>涌起了疑虑,你宽坦的心胸给我<BR>Thou dove-like help! and, when my fears would rise,<BR>清澈而温柔的慰抚;用你崇高的<BR>With thy broad heart serenely interpose.<BR>光辉来孵育我那些思念吧;失了<BR>Brood down with thy divine sufficiencies<BR>你的庇护,它们就要战栗--就象<BR>These thoughtswhich tremble when berest of those,<BR>那羽翼未丰的小鸟给撇下在天空里。<BR>Like callow birds left desert to the skies. </FONT><BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#000080 size=4>*32.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十二首<BR>EBB \"Sonnets from the Portuguese\", no. XXXII<BR><BR>当金黄的太阳升起来,第一次照上<BR>The first time that the sun rose on thine oath   <BR> 你爱的盟约,我就预期着明月<BR>To love me, I looked forward to the moon<BR> 来解除那情结、系的太早太急。<BR>To slacken all those bonds which seemed too soon<BR>我只怕爱的容易、就容易失望,<BR>And quickly tied to make a lasting troath. <BR>引起悔心。再回顾我自己,我哪象<BR>Quick-loving hearts, I thought, may quickly loathe;<BR> 让你爱慕的人!--却象一具哑涩<BR>And, looking on myself, I seemed not one<BR> 破损的弦琴、配不上你那么清澈<BR>For such man\'s love! -- more like an out-of-tune<BR>美妙的歌声!而这琴,匆忙里给用上,<BR>Worn voil, a good singer would be wroth<BR>一发出沙沙的音,就给恼恨地<BR>To spoil his song with, and which, snatched in haste,<BR> 扔下。我这么说,并不曾亏待<BR>Is laid down at the first ill-sounding note.<BR>自己,可是我冤了你。在乐圣的<BR>I did not wrong myself so, but I placed<BR> 手里,一张破琴也可以流出完美<BR>A wrong on _thee_. For perfect strains may float<BR>和谐的韵律;而凭一张弓,真诚的<BR>\'Neath master-hands, from instruments defaced, --<BR> 灵魂,可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱。<BR>And great souls, at one stroke, may do and dote.  <BR></FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#800080 size=4>*33.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十三首<BR><BR>对啦,叫我的小名儿呀!让我再听见<BR>Yes, call me by my pet-name! let me hear<BR> 我一向飞奔着去答应的名字--那时,<BR>The name I used to run at, when a child<BR> 还是个小女孩,无忧无虑,沉浸于<BR>From innocent play, and leave the cowslips piled, <BR>嬉戏,偶尔从一大堆野草野花间<BR>To glance up in some face that proved me dear<BR>抬起头来,仰望那用和蔼的眼<BR>With the look of its eyes. I miss the clear <BR> 抚爱我的慈颜。我失去了那仁慈<BR>Fond voices which, being drawn and reconciled<BR> 亲切的呼唤,那灵衬给我的是<BR>Into the music of Heaven\'s undefiled, <BR>一片寂静,任凭我高呼着上天,<BR>Call me no longer. Silence on the bier, <BR>那慈声归入了音乐华严的天国。<BR>While I call God ... call God! -- So let thy mouth<BR> 让你的嘴来承继那寂灭的清音。<BR>Be heir to those who are now exanimate. <BR>采得北方的花,好完成南方的花束,<BR>Gather the north flowers to complete the south, <BR> 在迟暮的岁月里赶上早年的爱情。<BR>And catch the early love up in the late. <BR>对啦,叫我的小名儿吧,我,就随即<BR>Yes, call me by that name, -- and I, in truth, <BR> 答应你,怀着当初一模样的心情。<BR>With the same heart, will answer and not wait.</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:05 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><BR><FONT color=#deb887 size=4>*34.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十四首<BR><BR>怀着当初一模样的心情,我说,<BR>With the same heart, I said, I\'ll answer thee<BR> 我要答应你,当你叫我的小名。<BR>As those, when thou shalt call me by my name --<BR> 唉,这分明是空的愿心!我的心<BR>Lo, the vain promise! Is the same, the same, <BR>还能是一模样--饱受了人生的磨折?<BR>Perplexed and ruffled by life\'s strategy? <BR>从前,我听得一声喊,就扔下花束,<BR>When called before, I told how hastily<BR> 要不,从游戏里跳起,奔过去答应,<BR>I dropped my flower or brake off from a game,<BR> 一路上都是我的笑容笑声在致敬,<BR>To run and answer with the smile that came<BR>眼星里还闪烁着方才那一片欢乐。<BR>At play last moment, and went on with me <BR>现在我应你,我舍下一片沉重的<BR>Through my obedience. When I answer now,<BR> 忧思,从孤寂里惊起。可是,我的心<BR>I drop a grave thought, break from solitude;<BR>还是要向你飞奔,你不是我一种的<BR>Yet still my heart goes to thee ... ponder how ...<BR> 善,而是百善所钟!我最可爱的人,<BR>Not as to a single good, but all my good!<BR>你把手按着我的心口,同意吗:孩童的<BR>Lay thy hand on it, best one, and allow<BR> 小脚从没跑得这么快--象这血轮。<BR>That no child\'s foot could run fast as this blood.</FONT> <BR>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT color=#0000ff size=4>*35.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十五首<BR><BR>要是我把一切都交给你,你可愿意<BR>If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange<BR>作为交换,把什么都归给我?<BR>And be all to me? Shall I never miss<BR>我可是永不会缺少家常的谈笑、<BR>Home-talk and blessing and the common kiss<BR>互酬接吻、彼此的祝福?也不会<BR>That comes to each in turn, nor count it strange,<BR>感到生疏、当我抬起头来打量<BR>When I look up, to drop on a new range <BR>新的墙壁和地板--家以外另一个家?<BR>Of walls and floors, ... another home than this? <BR>不,我还要问,你可愿顶替那一双<BR>Nay, wilt thou fill that place by me which is<BR>瞑合了的柔眼在我身旁留下的位置<BR>Filled by dead eyes too tender to know change? <BR>而一样地不懂得变心?这可是难!<BR>That\'s hardest. If to conquer love, has tried, <BR>征服爱如果费事,征服怨,那就更难。<BR>To conquer grief, tries more ... as all things prove,<BR>怨是,爱不算,再得加上个怨。我的怨,<BR>For grief indeed s love and grief beside. <BR>唉,那么深,就那么不轻易爱。可是,<BR>Alas, I have grieved so I am hard to love. <BR>你依然爱我--你愿?敞开些你的心,<BR>Yet love me -- wilt thou? Open thine heart wide, <BR>好让你那羽翼湿透的鸽子扑进来!<BR>And fold within, the wet wings of thy dove.</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#ffa500 size=4>*36.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十六首<BR><BR>当初我俩相见、一见而倾心的时光,<BR>When we met first and loved, I did not build<BR>我怎敢在这上面,建起大理石宫殿,<BR>Upon the event with marble. Could it mean<BR>难道这也会久长--那来回摇摆在<BR>To last, a love set pendulous between<BR>忧伤与忧伤间的爱?不,我害怕,<BR>Sorrow and sorrow? Nay, I rather thrilled, <BR>我信不过那似乎浮泛在眼前的<BR>Distrusting every light that seemed to gild<BR>一片金光,不敢伸出手指去碰一下。<BR>The onward path, and feared to overlean<BR>到后来才坦然、坚定了;可我又觉得,<BR>A finger even. And, though I have grown serene<BR>上帝总该另有恐惧安排在后面。。。。。。<BR>And strong since then, I think God has willed<BR>爱啊,要不然,这双紧握着的手<BR>A still renewable fear ... O love, O troth ...<BR>就不会接触;这热热的亲吻,一旦<BR>Lest these enclasped hands should never hold, <BR>从嘴唇上冷却了,何以不变成虚文?<BR>This mutual kiss drop down between us both<BR>爱情啊,你快变了心吧!要是命运<BR>As an unowned thing, once the lips being cold.<BR>这样注定:他,为了信守一个盟誓<BR>And Love, be false! if _he_, too keep one oath,<BR>就非得拿牺牲一个喜悦作代价。<BR>Must lose one joy, by his life\'s star foretold.</FONT>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-12 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
<BR><FONT size=4>*37.EEB<BR>白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十七首<BR><BR>原谅我,啊,请原谅吧,并非我无知,<BR>Pardon, oh, pardon, that my soul should make<BR>不明白一切德性全归于你、属于你;<BR>Of all that strong divineness which I know<BR>可是,你在我心里构成的形象,<BR>For thine and thee, an image only so<BR>却就象一堆虚浮不实的泥沙!<BR>Formed of the sand, and fit to shift and break.<BR>是那年深月久的孤僻,象遭了<BR>It is that distant years which did not take<BR>当头一棒,从你面前尽往后缩,<BR>Thy sovranty [1], recoiling with a blow,<BR>迫使我眩晕的知觉涌起了疑虑和<BR>Have forced my swimming brain to undergo<BR>恐惧,盲目地舍弃了你纯洁的面目,<BR>Their doubt and dread, and blindly to forsake<BR>最崇高的爱给我歪曲成最荒谬的<BR>Thy purity of likeness and distort<BR>形状。就象一个沉了船的异教徒,<BR>Thy worthiest love to a worthless counterfeit. <BR>安然脱险,上了岸,酬谢保佑他的<BR>As if a shipwrecked Pagan, safe in port,<BR>海神,献上了一尾木雕的海豚--<BR>His guardian sea-god to commemorate,<BR>那两腮呼呼作响、尾巴掀起了<BR>Should set a sculptured porpoise, gills a snort<BR>怒浪的庞大的海族--在庙宇的门墙内。<BR>And vibrant tail, within the temple-gate.<BR><BR>[1] sovranty = sovereignty</FONT><BR>
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