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Goodbye Beautiful Day~

发表于 2007-7-10 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<P><FONT color=#800080><IMG src="http://image.xcar.com.cn/attachments/day_061115/vpTu_b_EFC4AF6CAB8212653CB0B52FE28ED9DA.jpg"></FONT></P><P><FONT color=#800080>  Beat&amp;Path(节拍&amp;道路) 乐队来自美国加州,他们未曾大红大紫且已解散.然而他们留下的这首Goodbye Beautiful Day 定能深深打动你<BR>  <BR>  Goodbye Beautiful Day <BR>  <BR>  Time just withers away 时光流逝<BR>  Stealing day after day 日月蹉跎<BR>  The moon calls and night falls 皓月当空 夜幕降临<BR>  goodbye beautiful day 别美好时光<BR>  Seems time never can stay 岁月不曾停留<BR>  just keeps running away 日月兼程<BR>  the stars fly 繁星陨落<BR>  and hearts cry 内心哭泣 <BR>  leaving nothing left to say 只言片语也未曾留下<BR>  Goodbye Beautiful Day 再见 美好时光<BR>  I must be on my way 我得上路了<BR>  Stop the rain and ease my pain 雨停下 痛暂缓<BR>  I’’m sorry I can’’t stay 抱歉 我无法停留<BR>  Goodbye beautiful day 再见 美好时光<BR>  thats all I have to say 我已无语<BR>  come tomorrow I’’ll be gone 明天我将离你而远去<BR>  I’’m sorry I can’’t stay 抱歉 我无法驻留<BR>  time always has her say 时间总有自己的轨迹<BR>  slowly slipping away 缓缓逝去<BR>  its gone now but somehow 一切都过去了 但不知何故<BR>  there’’s no telling time today 今天却没有向你坦白<BR>  this time i’’ll go away 这一次 我将远走高飞<BR>  and i’’ll be gone to stay 我将驻足远行<BR>  we all know we will go 众所周知 分手已是必然<BR>  thats all i have to say 我已无语</FONT></P><P><FONT color=#800080>'\'HTTP://download.putclub.com/update/multitopic/ew/mtv/GoodbyeBeautifulDay.mp3\''</FONT></P>
新靖江论坛(www.xjjbbs.com www.0523.cn)

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发表于 2007-7-10 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
Goodbye Beautiful Day,but some good memory still in my heart ,maybe for long
新靖江论坛(www.xjjbbs.com www.0523.cn)
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-10 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
新靖江论坛(www.xjjbbs.com www.0523.cn)
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发表于 2007-7-10 15:02 | 显示全部楼层
we all know we will go ,that\'s all i have to say <br /><br />唉,无语哦,我已无语<br />
新靖江论坛(www.xjjbbs.com www.0523.cn)
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